Previous Events and Ideas

Upcoming Events:

-Autonomous Anonymous, Dec 1 7-10pm, Antonio’s Nut House

-SVR meeting Winter 2011 (working group meetings scheduled regularly)

Past Meetings:

October 2010: Marketing panel hosted at Willow Garage

May 2010: SVR meeting at KLA-Tencore (talks by Joint Venture Silicon Valley & Karl Mathia)

April 2010: National Robotics Week at Stanford University

January 2010: SVR Kickoff Meeting at SRI

Autonomous Anonymous:

Autonomous Anonymous is a once-a-month happy hour intended to supplement SVR’s seasonal meetings with informal networking. Meetups occur on the first Wednesday of the month: 7-10pm. Please join the google group for the monthly announcement:

Potential Meeting Topics:

-Finding Investment (VCs, strategic investment, alternative sources of funding)

-Marketing Robotics

-Military Funding (SBIR process, congressional grants, DARPA, DOD…)

-Robots and the Law

-Eldercare robots; is it the tipping point for the personal robotics industry?

-Web enabled robots (telepresence  & intelligent personal robots)

-Industry Experts (consumer, military, deep sea, entertainment, telepresence, space, personal, medical robotics…)

-Industrial Robotics’ transition into mobile & dextrous manufacturing

-Updates from geographical hotspots: Boston, Pittsburgh, NC, Houston

-University Research; meet the professors

-Application-based robotics; what can we learn from computer history?

-Complexity vs. simplicity in robotic products

-Is modularity important for robot serviceability?

-Engaging the hobbyist robotics community

-Robotics in education & STEM outreach

-Who are the integrators and solution providers? (think GeekSquad for personal robotics, how will people know what to buy?)

-Industry standardization; Why, How, and When (NIST)

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